Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on It Security - 1945 Words

Computer security and Network Security is the means by which business and governments are protecting against computer intrusions and attack to prevent loss of data, information and provided services. Everything is now on computers, peoples whole lives are documented on computers. Big business and the government rely on technologies that use computers, whether it is used for storage, a medium between the customers and themselves or actual work. With all this information and data being stored, transferred and used it needs to be secured. A bank is open to the public; you would not have this bank unsecured would you? There would be security guards, cameras, and a vault. The same mentality to secure your data should be implied if you have†¦show more content†¦Those who are usually more familiar with the physical attributes of security like field staff, will need a good comprehension of how the cyber network runs and with that understanding be able to correctly protect the network. More input will be needed from utility managers, they will need to be comfortable with their own IT departments instead of letting them do their own thing. To point it simply, employees need to be briefed and have an understanding of how the new CIP procedures and other areas of the entire organization tie into their enterprise network(Travers amp; Black amp; Veatch , 2008). Global cyber crimes biggest target are American consumers and businesses. Reports from the FBI and Computer Security Institute say that that cyber attacks have become a huge reason of financial loss by US companies, the average businesses reporting $160,000 in loss and damages for each security breach. Internet Crime Complaint Center reported the total loss from all reports of Internet fraud known and tracked by US law agencies in 2007 was $239 million (Jameson , 2008). According to Dunn (2005), Strengthening the trust framework, including information security and network security, authenticati on, privacy and consumer protection, is a prerequisite for the development of the Information Society and for building confidence among users of ICTs. A global culture of cyber security needs to be promoted,Show MoreRelatedSecurity, Security And Security1369 Words   |  6 Pages1. Introduction While it is true that there are literally hundreds of Security Frameworks offering thousands of controls designed to help ensure that any particular network is compliant, most of these focus on compliance rather than security for known attack vectors. 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In the most basic of definitions, human security is keeping theRead MoreSecurity And Security : Security2171 Words   |  9 Pages Security Perspective: Security is characterized as the situated of courses of action and innovations that permit the managers of assets in the framework to dependable control who can perform what activities on specific assets. The who refers to the people, pieces of software, and so on that form the set of actors in the system who have a security identity; security specialists ordinarily call such performing artists a principals. The assets are the parts of the framework considered sensitiveRead MoreCyber Security : Security And Security1880 Words   |  8 PagesCYBER SECURITY: Cyber Security also called computer security and IT security, is the assurance of data from theft or any harm to the gadget, the product and information stored on hardware. It incorporates controlling physical access to the equipment and additionally ensuring against code or data injection or via network access. The field is of developing significance because of the expanding dependence of PC frameworks in most societies. Computer frameworks now incorporate a wide assortment of keenRead MoreSecurity Between Security And Security1938 Words   |  8 PagesThat said, security sector actors cannot make accurate predictions about security given the degree of uncertainty associated with it, so they make assumptions about their expectations of security to allow them to rationalize their decisions. The most important assumption that states make is that security can be maximized. As discussed earlier, given the nature of known and unknown threats, it is impossible to accurately predict whether or not security is being provided at an optimal level. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The United States And The Western Coalition - 1469 Words

The United States and the Western Coalition has long looked at the Middle East as an asset with little risk high reward potential. They have all looked at them as high reward low risk a region that in contrast, has an abundance of natural resources in particular oil with very underwhelming population. Even if they had a product that could reach out and touch the masses the internal struggles and lack of cohesion and structure to get out of the region. Both the United States and Western coalition watched the struggles intervened when necessary and when a reward could reaped even if it was a better deal on the oil prices to actual occupation of land. The intervention, however did began to elevate and inflate the†¦show more content†¦Pure fiction, but the was that the Soviet troops invaded Kabul on December 25th, 1979, on order from Moscow to replace the radical Hafizullah Amin with the Soviet-endorsed Babrak Karmal as head of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Which Hol lywood spun as a Cold War tactic to or chess move to get an upper hand on the United States. When in reality the Soviet decision to invade Afghanistan was foremost driven by the security concerns a rapidly weakening Afghanistan, vulnerable to Islamic extremism and Western encroachment, posed to the Soviet Union’s southern borders. The Second evolution consideration was due to what was the longest war of the twentieth century, and length was the consideration that came from it. The Iran–Iraq War began when Iraq invaded Iran via air and land on 22 September 1980. It followed a long history of border disputes, and was motivated by fears that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 would inspire insurgency among Iraq s long-suppressed Shia majority, as well as Iraq s desire to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state. Although Iraq hoped to take advantage of Iran s revolutionary chaos and attacked without formal warning, it made only limited progress into Iran. Length came into consideration due to the 1987 modification of the Soviet Scud B missile prolonging its range, increasing the concern for neighboring countries.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Training Programs And Job Performance Of The Rank â€And-File Employees Free Essays

Introduction In a large enterprise training plays a vital role in a variety of administrative practices. It is considered as one statement of the total management activities of enterprise (Schein). Training for the Rank and File employees primarily is intended to prove skills in order to be productive and efficient. We will write a custom essay sample on The Training Programs And Job Performance Of The Rank –And-File Employees or any similar topic only for you Order Now Training likewise aims to provide the employees the knowledge required in performing the job such information regarding the organization its goal and program its relationship to other units in the company and the relationship between employees work to that of other employees provide the feeling of the confidence, camaradene ,ease, and motivation to work in the harmony towards the attainment of the organizational goals. Training is also very important in enhancing the organizations competitiveness. The enhancement of employee skills to perform better job contribute much to the development of a better organizational image in the competitive market (Nadler p-12) it is important to the continued viability of the organization that workers, must update their skills as technologies change. Training is a vehicle for organizational change in that it educates employees about new corporate strategies and better ways to operate. A review of corporate education and training would show how training contributes to a firm’s competitive future. Given continuously changing economy and fierce competition and rapid technology change training is a way advance skills and increase knowledge of competitors especially foreign cultures and markets. A slowly growing work force requires making the best use of the current work force. A changing work force due to high turnover or rapid growths requires new training needs for providing workers lacking in  basic skills. Rapid advancement in technology has led to substantial organizational charges in many industries that have affected how work as done as well as the output of wok. A new technology has spread across the globe competitors have increased with renew focus in the use of technology to enhance product quality and to increase a firms competitive advantage the organization approaches have required employees to increase their skills so team employees can interchange jobs thereby allowing flexible work schedules and maximum group efficiency same companies have compensated the employee not only for their performance but also for learning new skills that enhance their value to the firm. Training should be viewed as socialization agents that help people understand and make a commitment to the organizational strategies such business decision and not employee need to do be successful in the organization. Training has found a very important role in an organization that is why the research choose to conduct their study in Zilog company where a electronics components thus should able to determine which training program initiated in the company most effect to the job performance of the employees. This company was accessible in their goal to be one competitive firm in the Philippines in able to succeed the goal of an organization. It was important to train the employee in order to acquire the new knowledge to perform their job well. The researchers choose the topic the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees at Zilog Company Sucat, Muntinlupa City because they felt that through these study employees would develop their performance in work and the organization would be more productive and profitable by training program. The researchers want to know the significance of training programs in relation to job performance. Training is the systematic development of the attitude, knowledge, skill and behavior pattern require for the adequate performance for a given job. The  researchers choose Zilog Inc.Company because this is one of the competitive firms in the business industries and one in the Philippines that export products in other country like Japan. As such employees have to be trained, developed and note if an organization is aid to attain its objective with the fullest cooperation of employees in leading organizational goals. The Statement of the Problem The researchers conducted this study to appraise the present training program of Zilog Company Sucat, Muntinlupa City for the rank and file employees. Specifically study will attempt to answer the following questions: 1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in relation to: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Civil status 1.4 Educational attainment 1.5 Length of service in the company 2. Which training program designed for rank and file employees affects them most in relation to job performance in terms of : 2.1 Apprenticeship training 2.2 Vestibule training 2.3 Off the job training 3. To what extent does the training program affect the job performance of the rank and file employees. 3.1 Effectiveness in their job performance; 3.2 Efficiency in performing their duties and responsibilities 4. Is there a significant relationship between the training programs into the job performance of the rank and file employee? Hypothesis of the study The hypothesis used by the researchers was a null hypothesis. It is denial of an existence of an attribute, a relationship or a difference of an effect. Ho. There is no significant relationship between the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees. Significance of the study The result of our study â€Å"The training Program† in relation to the job performance of the rank and file employees of Zilog Inc Company Sucat Muntinulpa City, will create benefit to the following persons and entities. Management of Zilog Company Handle people to do certain tasks. It regards the well-planned and organized training programs for managers to prevent employees’ obsolescence and turn them into productive workers. Rank and File Employee Would be able to enhance their skills and realize their weaknesses. They would be better prepare to unchanged their dislikes and responsibilities in the organization and improve the interpersonal relationship with their fellow employees as well as with their clientele through effective training programs. Researchers Could gain knowledge and insight into training programs which be useful to his/her employment in the future. Commerce students of Pamantasan ng Lungsodng Muntinlupa by providing enough information about the effectiveness of training program in employees of Zilog company. Scope and limitation This study determined to the training programs and job performance of the rank and file employees of Zilog Technology Inc Sucat, Paranque City.the rank and file employees of the said electronics company were the respondents of the study. The total respondents of Zilog Company are 30. The scope of the study includes the demographic profile of respondents’ extent of training program that affect the efficiency of the rank and file employees and types of training being given to the employees in the organization. DEFINITION OF TERMS For understanding purposes the following are the definition of terms, used in the study. Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill. Effectiveness means the capability of producing an effect, and is most frequently used in connection with the degree to which something is capable of producing a specific, desired effect. Efficiency in general describes the extent to which time or effort is well used for the intended task or purpose. Job Performance includes activities that ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner Productivity is a measure of output from a production process, per unit of input. For example, labor productivity is typically measured as a ratio of output per labor-hour, an input. rank and file are the individual members of an organization, exclusive of its leadership. How to cite The Training Programs And Job Performance Of The Rank –And-File Employees, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Resistance to Change Leadership Style

Question: Discuss about the Resistance to Change Leadership Style. Answer: Introduction: Change is the ultimate constant. One who sticks to his present or past is sure to miss the future. The same holds true for any business enterprise where change is always welcome and a person thwarting change is sure to lag behind in his future endeavors. A persons enduring capacity to change varies with the persons persona and perception. Since the economy is flowing and ebbing at a brisk rate, the strategies employed by the organization must also keep par with it. If the organization undergoes corporate changes in its intrinsic environment, it ought to infuse innovative business strategies, which can create a spirit of resistance among the employees (Fleck Kraemer, 2014). Employees expresses an opposition to changes not abiding by the conventional norms of the organization, being poorly introduced to them, hampering the rate of their productivity and when they perceive the upcoming changes unnecessary.(Bateh, Castaneda Farah 2013). On the contrary, with an efficacious introduction and adoption one can attenuate the intensity of the resistance and avoid dealing with employee resentment. Now it is time to detect the core of the problem and for that, need to explore the causes the background and the incontestable factors which influences the spiraling employee resistance to change is necessary(Battistelli, Montani Odoardi, 2013). Resistance to change cannot be claimed as completely irrational because whoever resists a change in an organization premises does that from their respective perspectives, which appears sensible to them. Anticipating resistance to change and modulating it from the beginning of the change management program, enables one to curb down objections effectively (Georgalis et al., 2015). Behaviors indicating potential resistance should be acknowledged and employees sentiments should be validated thereby heightening the awareness of the necessity to address the concerns (Bateh, Castaneda Farah 2013).Therefore, as a pragmatic agent of change the following reasons must be very well understood instead of wasting time to put out the fire of resistance: Fear of job security Normal human psychology states that everybody tends to panic when there raises a question mark on the individuals security and when the point is about job security then this fear is absolutely justified(Georgalis et al., 2015). An individual tends to find security in conventional approaches to life. So the fear of the uncertain future and the impact of change on job security is something which makes the employees resist vehemently to any kind of changes. Updated technology, improved procedures and upgraded systems are all the creator of resistance among employees as they find their job security at stake with these modifications coming. (Hon, Bloom Crant, 2014). Not being aware of the outcome of the change, the employees become apprehensive of the consequence and react negatively (Georgalis et al., 2015). According to a survey, the rate of unemployment in the industrial sectors has heightened up with the plant becoming automated or the offices becoming computeri zed. Poor communication strategy One of the most crucial reasons for employee resistance at workplace is the baffling communication between the management and the employees, which prevents an effective transmission of the organization message between them thereby augmenting misconception about the changes to be undertaken. The way a particular change process is conveyed to the employees plays a critical role in determining their reactions. The employees poorly receive a change mandated with little communication as they feel that it is being shoved down their throats (Hon, Bloom Crant, 2014). It is like maintaining an open door policy where the top- level management should be available for answering the queries. The absence of two- way communication might lead to grapevine rumors and sabotage any positive efforts undertaken. (Hon, Bloom Crant, 2014). Loss of control and power- Familiar routines and norms enables an employee to develop a sense of supremacy over the work environment eventually. Asking them to change their manner of operation may create discontentment among the employees and they might feel powerless. People prefer to implement changes when they find some form of control or power to exert. At times, changes reduce the power base of the employees or units and even downsizing a department leads to loss of influence, which is resentful. Open communication and soliciting input makes them feel that the contributions made by them matters to the organization. To instill a feeling of power in them during the changing process, the management should involve them to elicit their feedback and volunteer for participatory roles. (Klonek, Lehmann-Willenbrock Kauffeld, 2014). Lack of competitive ability Though this fear is difficult for the employees to admit it is one of the crucial reason for resistance. Change in organizations necessitates development of skills and some people gets doubtful whether they would be able to cope up with the transition. Therefore, the only way for them to survive against the odds is to oppose change. There are some, who are hesitant to experiment as a result they show a reluctant attitude towards learning new routines or processes. Such employees will surely impede the organizations adaptation to change and hinder its growth along with their own personal development. (Appelbaum et al., 2015). Poor time management Awkward timing or lack of tact is one of the viable reasons of employee resistance. Change must be implemented in the absence of any major ongoing initiative. Sometimes it is not about what but why when and how an act is performed, creates resistance. Undue resistance can be avoided if changes are not introduced in an improper time and insensitive manner (Appelbaum et al., 2015). Non-reinforcing benefits and rewards system A common saying goes around in the business sector that managers get what they reward the employees. Now the employees are sure to resist when they will not be able to see anything in terms of rewards or benefits for them. Without a reward and recognition, the employees will not be motivated to support the change in the long run (Hon, Bloom Crant, 2014). Accordingly, the organizations reward system must be modified to abet the change that the company wishes to implement (Appelbaum et al., 2015). The reward need not be an exorbitant one; a token of appreciation can turn the table to a favorable situation. Lack of adequate support system Employees stuck in their comfort zones, work with the managers of their choice whom they get along with well and operate in predictable environment. Lack of mutual trust Successful change process turns out to be null and void in an environment camouflaged in mistrust. One employee should have faith and loyalty towards others intentions. An organization where there prevails a high degree of trust and the employees are treated with dignity, chance of resistance diminishes automatically. Any kind of sweeping changes causes insecurity among the employees regarding their status quo in the workplace. Sometimes it may cross the horizon and lead to overt behaviors such as slowing down of work, frequent strikes and aggressive unionism. Development of lower morale among the employees because of pessimism may lead to recruitment and retention issues (Lozano, 2013). Moreover, lessened efficiency can have a massive impact on the organizations bottom-line. Finally, persistent misunderstandings between the management and the employees may result in commotions and outbursts following with a greater chance of employee unrest (Klonek, Lehmann-Willenbrock Kauffeld, 2014). The finest example, which one would like to highlight in this context since it holds the most relevance as far as resistance to change is concerned, is the company named Borders. It was an international enterprise dealing as a music and book retailer in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The story of Borders illustrates the wrenching changes faced by the once grand bookseller industry and aptly portrays the challenges of maintaining the dominant position in a cut-throat competitive market. Founded by Louis and Tom Borders in 1971, this bookseller industry heralded a revolution in the book retailing business. By the end of 2000, Borders and its competitor Barnes and Noble proved their dominance in the market and captured almost 40% share combined (Klonek, Lehmann-Willenbrock Kauffeld, 2014). But their resistance to changes and reluctance to adapt to newer technologies embarked on an epic zone of blunders (Ramaswami, Raju Page, 2016). The company aimed at having a superior level selection to its competitor Barnes and Noble notwithstanding the fact that the customers were unaware of their proceedings and operations. One of the crippling strategic errors on their part was neglecting the control over their internet sales medium. Until 2008, the company did not have its own website though in 2001 it negotiated with Amazon to tackle its online business. Increased attention to stock more CDs and DVDs preceded a plunge in the sale of the items since consumers were more drifted towards digitalized delivery systems. Their e-reader Kobo was supported inadequately and devoid of traction. They boasted of their strength in culture and did not want to rattle the cultural equilibrium through changes. They adhered to their conventional notions, which fostered a kind of tunnel vision and made them rigid to their structures. They did not want to rock the boat hence avoided contractual agreements and losing of their sunk costs and finally the entrenched interests of the key employees or groups prevented them from taking justified actions, ignored the negative effects in lieu of temporary benefits, and tried to sustain their status quo (Martin, 2017). The industry after lots of trial and errors now seems to be returning to its roots through technological up gradation and remodeling of the stores. It is gradually emerging as a toy store selling books to appeal to all types of customers and increase its brand value in due course (McFarland, 2015). So, once the industrys former Goliaths learnt from its past mistakes, rectified it with expertise, and revamped its business according to the changing trends. Therefore, it has been firmly established by now that resistance to change is one of the most recalcitrant problems faced by the business executives recently. Such resistance is multidimensional and varied in forms and expressing various pseudo logical reasons stating reasons to abolish changes. So, here are certain proven strategies that will enable a business executive to mitigate employee resistance to change with full vigor: A new way should be created to communicate with the employees about the upcoming initiatives through regular updating at team meetings by the key managements. Marketing of the new strategies to each employee or groups and explaining the new steps undertaken in proper terms with a straightforward and honest vision. Inviting team members from each functional team to participate in seminars and marketing the newly adopted business strategies. They should select a group of agents who will catalyze the change aiding to manage implementation and the planning process. An eloquent person should be chosen from both management and non- management positions. Key deliverables should be distributed to each department or person involved in the business strategy and successful implementation for compensation should be tied. Regular reports should be prepared on performances and the ones achieving the goals should be publicly rewarded. Usage of social media platforms can be the ideal mechanisms to augment changes, reshape the culture of the company, improving the accomplishment of corporate strategy and communication since most of the change management boils down to ongoing dialogues in an enterprise. Training programs needs to be delivered by adept trainers, which facilitates development of new skills to support the changing flow. Managerial tools for controlling and directing the employees towards their goals, is one of the fundamentals in organizational management. Employees resistance to this managerial process has been viewed from diverse viewpoints. Since there is multiple way of approaching resistance, the ethical implication of resistance is under question. The ethical concept is examined critically as far as the ethical assumptions of resistance are concerned (McKay, Kuntz Naswall, 2013). In an organization, ethics of resistance and utilitarianism is provided special attention. Within this framework, it is stated that people resist changes to attain justice and autonomy in the organizational framework. The theoretical evolution of a new ethical concept in terms of resistance comprises contribution of the organization in question. In corporate terms, ethics are the beliefs stating what is just or unjust, they lay the foundation for judging the individuals behavior and guide organizations in the right t rack. Ethics has captivated the center stage in organizational management. The underlying morals of individuals or groups lend a pivotal impact not only on the organizations but also on society in general (Mitchell, 2013). It is required by the organizations to adopt a much more ethical approach for operating their business. For that, they have to move from: Performing the minimum demanded by law to doing the appropriate thing as per the environmental norms Downplaying concerns of the public. Avoiding environmental advocates willing to work with them. Though it is easy to note down the various types of ethical behavior, the capability of the manager to execute such behaviors are often restricted by other factors. Nowadays managers are quite sensitive to social responsibility issues and ethical behavior due to immense public pressure, from legal and government authorities and from coverage of media. It is not quite clear where to draw the borderline between expectations of ethical behavior, which seems to be conflicting. The challenges of managers include the requirement of acting ethically in the face of daily pressures to satisfy deadlines and targets, which may compel them to act unjustifiably. This should not be a surprise considering the strong bonding between an organization's ethics and its prevailing culture. Therefore, the organization ethics are entrenched in the culture and the culture is reflected through the ethics (Rafferty Jimmieson, 2016). Consequently, an attempt to alter the norms by the regulators and instigating for adoption of an ethical code is over-optimistic at times. Unfortunately, since 1980, the management of change process has concentrated on approaches emphasizing the deployment of power for winning compliance. Instead of changing behavior by means of imposition and coercion, an approach is necessary which emboldens ethical behavior and allows the management to change at their own will. The approach, which has been used for years, is to map the source of individual power (Ramaswami, Raju Page, 2016). Critically analyzing individuals have six sources of power trying to identify which source is relevant to individual members and whether change will have a positive or negative effect on the source. If the source of power diminishes then it is time to plan how to work with that individual in order to find new sources of relevance (Watson, 2013). The main concern lies in understanding where power exudes from both at a group and individual level and how intervention affects the power distribution at all levels. This is a useful framework before starting to work with a team keeping in mind the issue of organizational change - Mapping individual employees sources of power Identifying how each source will be affected by intervention Mapping sub groups and power interactions within the total team Building personal relationships a major platform enabling individuals to deal with power threats Employee resistance to change is an utter complex issue faced by the ever- evolving enterprises of today. The change process is ubiquitous and employee resistance has been evaluated as a crucial contributor in the failure of several well- conceived efforts employed to initiate organizational change (Klonek, Lehmann-Willenbrock Kauffeld, 2014). To make any organizational effort praiseworthy and significant the top management needs to come out of the mahogany paneled air-conditioned rooms, roll up the sleeves and implement a comprehensive strategy from the very beginning to overcome the barriers. In case they find it, difficult to conduct themselves alone they can hire a delegate who will design an apt management strategy taking the help of some official managers. The advantages of scale and size are consistently fleeting in our highly networked global economy. Companies that will deny embracing changes and try to organize themselves at their will are sure to get swept away regardless of their previous success. References Appelbaum, S. H., Degbe, M. C., MacDonald, O., Nguyen-Quang, T. S. (2015). Organizational outcomes of leadership style and resistance to change (Part One).Industrial and Commercial Training,47(2), 73-80. Bateh, J., Castaneda, M. E., Farah, J. E. (2013). Employee resistance to organizational change.International Journal of Management Information Systems (Online),17(2), 113. Battistelli, A., Montani, F., Odoardi, C. (2013). The impact of feedback from job and task autonomy in the relationship between dispositional resistance to change and innovative work behaviour.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,22(1), 26-41. Fleck, S. J., Kraemer, W. (2014).Designing Resistance Training Programs, 4E. Human Kinetics. Georgalis, J., Samaratunge, R., Kimberley, N., Lu, Y. (2015). Change process characteristics and resistance to organisational change: The role of employee perceptions of justice.Australian Journal of Management,40(1), 89-113. Hon, A. H., Bloom, M., Crant, J. M. (2014). Overcoming resistance to change and enhancing creative performance.Journal of Management,40(3), 919-941. Klonek, F. E., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Kauffeld, S. (2014). Dynamics of resistance to change: a sequential analysis of change agents in action.Journal of change management,14(3), 334-360. Lozano, R. (2013). Are companies planning their organisational changes for corporate sustainability? An analysis of three case studies on resistance to change and their strategies to overcome it.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,20(5), 275-295. Martin, B. H. (2017). Unsticking the status quo: strategic framing effects on managerial mindset, status quo bias, and systematic resistance to change.Management Research Review,40(2). McFarland, D. (2015). Change Resistance. McKay, K., Kuntz, J. R., Naswall, K. (2013). The effect of affective commitment, communication and participation on resistance to change: The role of change readiness.New Zealand Journal of Psychology,42(2), 29-40. Mitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change: Improving the workplace requires staff to be involved and innovations to be maintained. Gary Mitchell discusses the theories that can help achieve this.Nursing Management,20(1), 32-37. Rafferty, A. E., Jimmieson, N. L. (2016). Subjective Perceptions of Organizational Change and Employee Resistance to Change: Direct and Mediated Relationships with Employee Well?being.British Journal of Management. Ramaswami, S. N., Ramaswami, S. N., Raju, S., Raju, S., Page, D. C., Page, D. C. (2016). Conceptualizing and measuring resistance to change in brand relationships.Journal of Indian Business Research,8(3), 180-204. Watson, G. (2013). Resistance to change.R. Cohen, J. McManus, D. Fox, C. Kastelnik, Psych City: A Simulated Community, 246-257.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Three Parts of the Soul Essay Example For Students

Three Parts of the Soul Essay The Republic of Plato consists of a dialogue between many great philosophers that attempts to answer a couple of very important questions, one of which is what is justice? As the book moves from one argument to the next, there seems to be an ongoing debate of what exactly is meant by justice and the just man. In Book IV, we finally begin to see essential progress made in regards to the elements of a just city. They are able to determine that a just city consists of three social classes, the Guardians (Rulers Of the City), Auxiliaries (Protectors Of the City), and Producers (Working class of the City). The combination of these three societal classes working together can create a truly just city that looks to make all happy, not just one social class. With that said. Book IV goes on to determine the connection between the just city and the just man. As they have already determined that a just city consists of parts of a society, the just individual also consists of parts; parts of the soul. We will write a custom essay on Three Parts of the Soul specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Socrates is able to identify the first part of the soul as the rational part that yearns for truth, the second part of the soul as the spirited part that illustrate honor, and a desiring part of the OLL that yearns for everything else, such as food, drink. Money and sex. Socrates feels that the relationship between the parts of the soul and the parts of the city reflect hove justice is had and how justice should be maintained, Socrates first aspect to the just monomaniacs to being rational. He feels that being rational is the essential part of an individual, and thus it rules over spirit and desire, One who is rational is able to reason to make proper decisions that are of the best interests othernesss and the society as a uphold It is the calculative part of he soul that allows for individuals to weigh-out their options before making decisions. It requires a person to become aware of what is happening around them and use their awareness to make proper decisions that are of the utmost intelligence. Being rational is sometimes difficult, for it takes a person who is strong enough to stand up for what they feel is right and act upon it in a way that Will promote a sense Of change. One way the rational person succeeds is by also attaining the spirit part of the soul. Claims that having spirit becomes an essential part Of the soul in regards to how the rational individual acts. There are many people who may be considered rational, but effete do not have the spirit to speak up in order to make logical decisions, their ability to reason is ineffective. Therefore, one who attains the ability to be spirited in instances where reasonable decisions are to be Madeira normally the ones who are able to promote change for the betterment of all. The spirited part of the soul is capable officiating independently from reason, but it is usually not nearly as effective. In a soul ruled by spirit, for instance, the entire soul aims at achieving honor rather Han justice. The spirited part of the soul lacks the essential aspect of reasoning and therefore the decisions being made through honor are not always the most intelligent. When the soul acts in unison through reason and spirit it testers the ability to formulate actions and decisions that are ultimately going to be beneficial to all man-kind, soon leading to a just world. The last part of the soul that has not yet been mentioned is the desiring part, or the appetite part Here we see the soul acting on behalf of its own wants and desires. The desiring part f the soul gives the individual an inclination to do something and then passes that desire on to the rational part of the soul minored to determine whether to do the particular action or not. .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa , .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .postImageUrl , .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa , .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa:hover , .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa:visited , .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa:active { border:0!important; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa:active , .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u83d377b4d6c60152299c478b5e2ee8aa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Social institutions EssayWhat eve desire is not always What is rational, and therefore it is important to note that the ability to reason is what keeps the soul from continually doing unstitching. The desiring part aims at fulfilling our appetites, such as food, sex, material goods, and money. Without proper training, the soul sometimes finds itself living Off ones desires rather than the well-being of others. Leading to an unjust world. In a just soul, the soul is geared entirely toward fulfilling whatever knowledge-loving desires reason produces. When all three parts of the soul are acting in harmony with one another, justice is attained. The rational part of the soul is the most important because it puts things in perspective, It allows for one to make the proper decisions that seem to be the most logical and promote the most well-being for all. The rational part leads to the spirited part because being rational allows for one to be more confident in their decisions and thus allow for more courageous actions. When these two parts are working together, it leads to desires that promote a life of happiness and justice for all. Some of the inner qualities of a just individual become essential in the performance of just actions, Wisdom is one of the main qualities of an individual. A person is wise when they have the ability to reason and make decisions on the basis of rational considerations. People of wisdom do not act on instinct, but rather think things out and thus make smart decisions. Many are full of wisdom but lack the courage to speak out about their thoughts and insights. Courage is an essential step in the performance of the just person because it gives individuals the incentive to do something about what they feel is right. Through education, spirit (courage) becomes the ally of reason because individuals learn that spirit gives them the determination to stick With What they believe is right and act upon it (courage). When an individual is able to control their wisdom and courage, they act independently from the soul and thus live in moderation. Moderation becomes apparent when the three parts of the soul become friends with one another to create a sense of unity. Each needs to thrive off the other to soon lead to justice. A person becomes just when each the three parts of the soul act independently to one another but still use each other to better their performance as a just person. When reason rules and spirit gives us the strength to promote a sense of change, we create positive desires that do not try to dominate our lives. With all of these qualities and parts of the soul working together, it can potentially lead to a just city. Now that we have determined the meaning of justice in the eyes of Socrates, we can compare his account to that to Cephalic and Trashcans. Cephalic ventured that justice was the honoring of legal obligations, while Trashcans suggested that justice is anothers good while injustice is ones own good. These two definitions are linked by the imperative of giving to each what is appropriate. Although Socrates doesnt necessary feel like justice is either of those, his definition does suggest that justice is giving to each what is appropriate in terms of their role in society. There are going to be Guardians, Auxiliaries, and Producers, each being assigned role in just society that best suits their nature and that best serves society as a whole. All of the social classes are working together to formulate a place that promotes a just environment. As people learn to reason through education, they will become more aware of vat is wrong and what is right, thus acting on those decisions. As the three parts Of the soul work together, it Will lead to a place that not only looks to the good of oneself, but the good of mankind as well. Understanding term Autistic is by no means an easy task. It requires a lot Of Hough and considerations before coming to a conclusion that seems fitting for all mankind. .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa , .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .postImageUrl , .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa , .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa:hover , .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa:visited , .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa:active { border:0!important; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa:active , .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u12a8228d679d4c78644e6042773f6daa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Juvenile Delinquency: Contributing Factors, Curren EssaySocrates ability to question becomes extremely important in his search for the meaning of justice. He was able to learn and develop his thoughts through his ability to question characters such as Cephalic and Trashcans. Although some may still disagree with Socrates definition of justice, it is evident that he has put in the time to come up with a definition that is very reasonable. Justice certainly is not easy to attain, but when it is done it can definitely change the lives of many.

Monday, November 25, 2019

the leadership moment essays

the leadership moment essays The Leadership Moment is a collection of "nine true stories of triumph and disaster and their lessons for us all." The stories are familiar: Eugene Kranz and Apollo 13; John Gutfreund and Salomon Brothers; Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and the Civil War, to name a few. The stories are drawn from the past and present, represent a wide-range of challenges that include both natural and man-made disasters, and illustrate lessons of success and failure. The author, Michael Useem, is the director of the Wharton Schools Center for Leadership and Change Management. He does a superb job of relating the events and definitive moments of each narrative. Events unfold with the right mix of facts and drama to keep the reader interested. Lessons, or implications as Useem calls them, are woven throughout the narratives. Charts and pictures supplement the text where appropriate. The nine stories are sandwiched by an introduction and conclusion. All the implications presented in the book, about 40, are summarized in a final chapter called "A Leader's Guide." The book assumes that much can be learned about leadership by the successes and failures of others. The author's concluding chapter extracts nine leadership principles from the nine leadership moments: know yourself, explain yourself, expect much, gain commitment, build now, prepare yourself, move fast, find yourself, and remain steadfast. The Leadership Moment reads like an adventure novel. Even the books cover, mountain climbers trudging up a foreboding slope, promotes a sense of intrigue and danger. Useem is a great storyteller. His selection of narratives provokes many thoughts about leadership triumphs and disasters. My only real frustrations with the book stem from the implications and the nine leadership principles. The 40 implications that Useem introduces across the nine chapters can overwhelm a reader. Even though he summarizes them in the Leadershi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Video Games and Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Video Games and Violence - Research Paper Example However in the recent years with the development of video games and violent sports it is seen that children are indulging a lot in gaming. And this has forced many individuals to carry out researches to find out the effect of games on children. It is found that violence in real life has a direct relationship with people who are involved in playing these games. The aim of this research is to promote that the violent content of video games has been contributing to the aggressive behavior of the individual player. History and Extent of The Problem Media is an important and inseparable part of our daily routine in the modern age. It provides us new and technologically advanced modes of learning, working and doing the regular activities rightly and accurately in a timely manner. Media plays a crucial role in altering our thoughts, perceptions and viewpoints about certain personalities, relationships, issues and in turn the whole society. The extremely harsh exposure of media about current affairs results in negative or positive changes in our attitudes and point of views about those events under consideration. The extreme integration of media in our lives point towards the alarming situation where our lives and actions are all immensely affected by the media portrayal. Media does not affect a single group, stereotype or class but its effects surround the whole social constructs due to its presence in the lives of every individual today. Video games are one of the forms of media which are greatly influencing the behavior and attitude of people. Video games are getting increasing attention of the consumers as the technological advancements are getting more and more flexible, rich and user-focused. Video games serve as one of the most popular form of media to entertain children. The involvement of people in video games and their continuous interaction with video game environment affects them negatively. This is specifically adverse when the games are of violent nature with destruction, fighting or combating as the major themes in it. There has been a strong relationship between exposure in video games and rise in crime rate of younger generation. The violent activities, behaviors and attitudes are observed as a result of continuous exposure to video games. The popularity of video games has been increasing as shown by the investments made to meet the increasing demand. The innovations and technological advancements played a vital role in increasing the demand for video games. It has been observed that children of ages between 8 and 18 are found to have spent at least 40 hours per week in some form of media. This also includes the sharp rise in the exposure to video games by younger generation. The increasing popularity of video games has encouraged the exposure to video games to children aging 2 years with a minimum of 1 hour per day spent on games. Children falling in the age group of 8-13 years are observed to have played video games nearly 7.5 hours a week. Anderson’s (2001) research further illuminates the fact that children are exposed to video games which are never supervised by their parents or elders. Adams (2010) further explains the problem in terms of age-directed games that 85% of children play game which are designed and launched for adults. Adams’s argument points towards the heavy exposure of violence and negative exposure about female body, relationships and negative ideals in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Opera houset promotion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Opera houset promotion - Assignment Example The company should create a compelling advert that convinces the customers that the service at Opera Houset Company is the best. Adverts should deliver a proper message to the people, enhance the company’s image, draw more people to the business while holding and keeping the existing customers (Belch and Belch 12). Promotion should be done in different ways, this will include the print media, electronic media and digital media. Print media, which include magazines and newspapers to advertise (MacRury 8). The magazines and newspaper should provide information about the company’s location, its service, and the cost of their tickets. It should bring out the company as the best in providing service. The advert should be placed in the newspapers like the New York Times. Opera Houset Company should involve in promotion through electronic media, which include the use of televisions and radios to advertise on their information (Clow and Baack 11). This media is considered the best as it can reach targeted groups like teenagers. This will involve advertisement for about 30 seconds about Opera Houset Company. Advertisement through television will be the best as it creates impact on the viewer through sight of the opera company their quality halls, dinning, and best services. Trade paper advertisement will be through publishing of information about Opera Houset Company in business papers. This business books are of better production quality, high prices and large (Belch and Belch 15). They put advertisement adds on them to promote Opera Houset Company. Opera Houset Company needs to incorporate this system to obtain more customers. Digital media advertisement includes methods like social Medias, social networking, and social sites to promote information should also be used. This is a modern way of advertising information and it provides a platform to interact with customers as it advertises (Lin 16). Information from digital media is from

Monday, November 18, 2019

Managing change, Qatar Telecommunications - OOREDOO case study

Managing change, Qatar Telecommunications - OOREDOO - Case Study Example From the research it can be comprehended that there are some of the changes that calls for organisations to have change management that would help them cope with ever evolving changes. As businesses continue to experience growth, the contemporary businesses world continue to become complex as new and old businesses develop new competitive strategies that triggers change in the way business is conducted. For instance, since the law of controlling monopoly was enacted, Ooredoo has been facing stiff competition from other plays in the market. Vodafone has, for example, been gaining grounds slowly as customers start to focus on a wide range of factors that are favourable to them. Low prices have been the main focus for customers since the market has been preoccupied by high calling rates. In this regard, Ooredoo has no option other than change management to cope with the new challenges for it to continue being at the top as it used to be during monopolistic time. Although many people wou ld argue that Ooredoo did not have change management in its earlier years when it used to operate on monopoly basis, it is arguable that the company employed organisational strategy to provide ever changing dynamics of business in regard to emergence of new products and services. However, the change for strategy in the recent years is what has triggered more physical changes especially on pricing that has made people think that the company just begun change management concept due to competition.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Market Analysis for Buffet Restaurant

Market Analysis for Buffet Restaurant The creation of a unique, innovative, entertaining, mid scale atmosphere that will differentiate us from the competition. The highest quality food is unbelievably low prices in a clean, fun environment. Controlling costs at all times, in all areas. Hiring the best people available, training, motivating and encouraging them, and thereby retaining the friendliest, most efficient staff possible. Section II: Business description Mission: We want our guests to have the total experience when visiting Enjoy with us. Not only will our guests receive a great meal, they will also be provided with a fun atmosphere. We will be doing unique things (such as serving all you can eat) that will set us apart from the competition. We will want the dining experience to be as pleasing to the senses as it is to the palate. Our main focus will be serving quality food at a great value. We will feature a large selection of freshly prepared food, most in full view of our guests. The purpose is service that customer satisfaction is paramount. Particularly, we want to be the restaurant of choice for everyone: families and singles, young and old, male or female. On the other hand, employee welfare will be important to our success. We want our employee to feel a part of the success of Enjoy with us. Happy employees make happy guests. Similarly, we will combine menu variety, atmosphere, ambiance, and friendly staff to create a sense of place in order to reach our goal of overall value in entertainment experience. Why do we think tourists come our shop? First of all, as we know, Singapore is a country includes 3 national (India, Chinese, and Malaysia). So, this reason is very comfortable to attract travelers come to Singapore. We think when they travel to Singapore; they want to try traditional food in this country surely. Consequently, we will decide to business Buffet restaurant. With Buffet restaurant, customer can try 3 kinds of food of 3 different national easily. Secondly, we would like to open this restaurant called Enjoy with us!!!. This means when customers come with us, they can enjoy their taste by themselves wholeheartedly. Lastly, we choose our business in Sentosa because this place is most tourists will come during their tour surely. It will take place around 1,000 square meters and totally designed to reflect and describe all kinds of food in 3 national. Our short term goal is to catch people interested and slowly gain market share from other restaurant. Our long term goal is to be well known in the world. This means when people talk about restaurant in Singapore, they will think about our restaurant immediately. Start up fund: S$5 Million investment As we know, Sentosa is an icon of Singapore, so the rental will be very expensive (around S$300,000). Moreover, our business is new, so we need to use about 10% of the budget cost to build our brand name (around S$500,000). Furthermore, this restaurant business plan is prepared to obtain financing for the initial launch of this concept. The financing is required to begin work on kitchen design, architectural plans, manuals and recipe books, site selection, equipment purchases, and to cover expenses in the first year of business (around S$2,000,000). In addition to the capital contributions, it will allow buffet restaurant to successfully open and maintain operations through year one. On the other hand, concentration will be on maintaining quality and establishing a strong identity in each local market. Similarly, we also need to pay management fees and salaries to staff (around S$900,000 for first year). Besides that, we need to require cash and long term asset (around S$1,000,000). Consequently, our business will need about S$5 million. Section III: Marketing A. Research and analysis: Target market (customer) identified: In looking at our market analysis, we have defined the following groups as targeted segments. Below are our targeted market segments: Age: Seniors, young married couples with children, teenagers, citizens. (Especially foreigners) Gender: we will equally target both sexes. Income: We will appeal to the high side of low income individuals and to all in the middle income bracket. By our definition, we will have very broad appeal for our concept. It is our goal to be the restaurant of choice for the largest dining audience in Asia and Europe. Singapore has more than 10 millions tourism arrivals in 2008. With the number of tourism arrival to Singapore like that, this condition has advantage to our business. Furthermore, with our restaurants seating almost 400 people, however, we hope it will have an average of 300 customers everyday for the first year and to grow 20% each year. It is our goal to have something for everyone everyday on our menu. Particularly, we need to maintain our loyalty as we should focus on their changing needs and menu choices. Besides that, our lunch strategy is dual purposed. As we know, some kinds people do not have lunch time, from that reason, we want to keep the price point at lunch as low as possible to keep us in competition with fast food restaurant. Not only do our guests get a sandwich, drink, and fries but also a salad, dessert and a selection of hot food items. On the other hand, we can reduce the hot food assortment from dinner; we will be able to keep our food cost in line with the reduced price. Consequently, we think this is a strategy that will broaden our customer base at lunch while still maintaining our core market segment. 2) Market needs: Our business is Buffet restaurant, so we think we need to focus on: Seeks strong value. Wants variety and flavor in its food. Looks for speed of service. Wants an entertaining dining experience. Insists upon a clean, friendly, and attractive dining environment. 3) Competitive advantages: As we know, Singapore is a country which attract tourists come and travel. Furthermore, they want to spend leisure time. This factor contributed to the large demand for good restaurant in Singapore today. From that reasons, the competition is strong. Due to intense competition, our restaurant must look for ways to differentiate their place in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. a) Competitive comparison: In competing against the casual theme restaurant, we will have the following advantages: Lower price point for a complete meal. There will be no tipping at Enjoy with us, we are self service. Speed of service: no waiting for food. Everything will be readily available: hot, fresh, and cooked as requested. We will provide more entertainment than our competition. There will be something for everyone, everyday of the week. There will be no confusing menu board when guests arrive at our restaurant. We have made it simple: one price, everything included b) Technology: we will invest in a high speed computer to provide a fast and comfortable connection to link to our cash registers. We will also order online, email, and have a Web page. B. Marketing plan: 1) Market strategy sales and distribution: Our main focus in marketing will be to increase customer awareness in the surrounding community. We will direct all of our tactics and programs toward the goal of explaining who we are and what we are all about. We will price our products fairly, keep our standards high. Price strategy: All menu items are moderately priced. Sales strategy: The sales strategy is to build and open new locations on schedule in order to increase revenue. 2) Pricing and opening hours: Buffet Breakfast (6.00 am to 11.00am, Mon to Sun) : Adults $20, Child $10 Buffet Lunch (12.00 noon to 2.30pm, Mon to Sun): Adults $ 30, Child $ 15 Buffet Dinner (6.30 pm to 5.30 pm, Mon to Sat) : Adults $ 40, Child $ 25 Especially Buffet (6.30 pm to 11.00 pm) : Adults $ 50, Child $30 Note: Child = 5-12 years old. Free for accompanied child under 5 years old. All prices subject to 10% service charge and 7% GST. Prices subject to change. Our business includes: Buffet Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Particularly, we have 1 special service that always serves every Sunday. This service will free flow of soft drinks juices, draft beer and selected wines and champagne. 3) Advertising and promotion: Our business is new, so we need to have a good marketing plan to compete with them. Im going to use 10% of the budget cost which is 1/2 million to build our brand name. You will see our advertising everywhere, on television, on train, on the bus and news paper and also in the magazine of Singapore airlines, Tiger airways, Jetstar airlines. Website is not very important as we dont provide online purchase but we should have a nicely designed web to let people can do a research Enjoy with us!!! Leaflets will be given at all MRTs for 1 working day from 5pm to 6 pm; this is the most crowded time when people are going home after works. Particularly, in Singapore, they trade so many restaurants. Consequently, let to our business for advantages, we will have strategy as: Does not have the widest variety of food but everything here is of great quality. Free flow of fresh fruit juice, e.g. mango, pink guava, apple juices; self serve from bottles chilled in crushed ice. To-die-for desserts and pastries youd wish you had 2 stomachs! Always give promotion and discount on weekend days or holidays. Always change and prepare different kinds of food. It will make interesting in customer. They can come again and again. Section IV: Operations Quality food: fresh food, home style care. Variety, Variety, Variety: A different menu for everyday of the week will feature. Self service: Every new guest will receive a guided tour explaining our concept and the self serve system. Friendly employees: our employees will be ringing dinner bells when fresh foods come out. Furthermore, we will dress uniform that our customers can organize us easily. Reduced dinner pricing: on Monday Thursday, the dinner price will be slightly lower than on Fri/Sat/Sun. On the other hand, our principal owner will offer outside ownership in Enjoy with us!!! on an equity, debt, or combination basis in order to facilitate the start up and growth of our restaurant. Start up: Kitchen design Architecture plans Training: this will cover training of employees and management as well as cleaning and organizing the restaurant to opening. Manuals/Handbooks/Recipes. Building/ Land/ Equipment: we can build from ground up or we can do conversions from existing or close restaurants. Number of staffs: 10 managers, 5 securities, 15 waitresses, 5 bartenders, 2 receptionists, 2 cashiers, 3 chef, 5 cook helper. Location and facilities: Sentosa is the best place to open this kind of business because traveler can discover our shop easier and they can enjoy easily. With this location, we can attract customer from oversea and also citizen. They can come our restaurant on weekend to relax. Proximity to supplies: Supply can get from Malaysia, China, India directly or intermediary in Singapore. Access to transportation: Transport of foods and materials by sea or plane. Moreover, we need to have warehouse storage to hold foods and materials. Section V: Management A. Management team: As our restaurant is small business, it requires a simple organizational structure. Implementation of this organization to make all of the major management decisions in addition to monitoring all other business activities Management Team Legal structure stock agreement, employment agreements, ownership: Carefully to partnership or corporation. Need to follow legal about business in Singapore. Need to clear about employment agreement, stock agreement. C. Board of directors, advisers, consultants: Board of director is the principal owner. They will offer outside ownership in Enjoy with us!!! to improve our restaurant. Section VI: Financial A. Financial plan: Sales: our restaurant will open on 1/1/2011. Cost of goods sold: The cost of goods sold was determined by taking actual Profit and Loss statements from various restaurant concepts and then using our pricing structure and guest counts to arrive at costs. Marketing Fees: these funds will be used for the production of various marketing materials. Advertising: these funds will be used to maintain our sales at projected levels. Management Fees: we will use these dollars for accounting and payroll services of our firm. Fixed and Variable Expensed: The various fixed and variable expenses were determined by taking actual numbers from restaurant. B. Important assumption: We assume a strong economy, without a major recession. We assume, of course, that there are no unforeseen changes in consumers tastes or interests to make our concept less competitive. C. Financial forecast: Because our budget is $5 millions. So we can calculate below: 1) Break even analysis: Variable costs: 25% Cost of goods sold : $1,250,000 17% Employee payroll : $ 850,000 0.25% Credit card charges : $ 12,500 0.33% marketing fees : $ 16,500 2% Management fees : $ 100,000 10% Advertising : $ 500,000 2% Management bonus : $100,000 3.03% Employee payroll taxes and benefits: $151,500 1.5% Paper and cleaning : $ 75.000 61.11% Total variable costs : $3,055,500 Annual fixed costs $170,000 Management salaries $37,000 Management payroll taxes and benefits $16,410 Group insurance $137,000 Controllable expenses minus credit card charges and paper/ cleaning $40,208 Other expenses minus marketing fees, advertising, and management fees $100,000 Depreciation $500,000 Rental $1,000,618 Total fixed costs Start up asset: Cash required : $ 200,000 Long term asset : $ 700,000 Total asset : $ 900,000 Total requirements = Total variable cost + Total fixed cost + Total asset = $3,055,500 + $1,000,618 + $900,000 = $4,956,118 2) Profit and Loss: With an estimate of 300 customers everyday and to grow 20% each year (1.67% per month), lets say 1 customer will spend at least $40. We can see profit and loss account below: From profit and loss table, we can see: Payback period = Y + A/B YÂÂ  = the number ofÂÂ  years before final payback year. In the example, Y = 5 years.ÂÂ   AÂÂ  = Total remaining to be paid back at the start of the payback year, to bring cumulative cash flow to 0,ÂÂ  A = $4,956,118 ($145,747 + $427,447 + $765,487 + $1,171,135 + $1,657,913) = $788,389 BÂÂ  = Total (net) paid back in the entire payback year. B = $2,242,046 So, payback period = 5 + $788,389/$2,242,046 = 5.35 years or 5 years and 4 months In conclusion, our business will take back our capital after 5 years and 4 months. Section VII: Critical risks 1) Challenges: Because our business will be opened in Singapore which attracts different countries come and enjoy. Our challenges will service many kinds people and always have to make them comfortable and enjoy themselves when they come our restaurant. Consequently, we always need to update new ideas and try to have a good service. On the other hand, our purpose wants to make earn lots of money; we need to overcome challenges to have a good business 2) Risks and Contingency: Potential risks Trigger Contingency plan Food Related Lawsuits Our restaurant can be sued after a customer becomes after eating and contracting a food borne illness. Safe handling of food is an important priority for our restaurant. Liquor Liability If we serve beer, wine or other liquor. Need to test quality before sale products. Be sure we are protected from lawsuits resulting from alcohol related incidents. Property Risks Operating a restaurant often includes considerable equipment, building improvements and food stock. We need to buy insurance Price Need to cutting by competitors With Competitors, they will do anything to survive. So we always need to control the price. Number of customer Our plan needs 300 customer/day. Maybe, number of customer will not come enough. In this case, our management team will sit back to find out the reason. It could be caused by price or our marketing program was not effective, or it may be customer-service problems. Delay to complete the business plan When we will plan, maybe time for activities will be delayed This risk is very important. It directly affects all other progresses of the business. Production manager will be aware of this to make sure the chance of this risk equals to zero. Kitchen and electrical fire Overloaded or malfunctioning electrical equipment is a particular risk for our restaurant. Prevention is our best insurance! Be sure that we have appropriate fire suppression systems in place and maintained. Insurance companies typically require that our heat producing cooking equipment, particularly grease sources (fryers, grills, ranges), have aÂÂ  wet chemical fire suppression system and vent hood overhead. Section VIII: Harvest strategy segment Marketing strategy: Advertising is still word of mouth Promotion strategy: 3 different marketing tactics: Word of mouth/ in store marketing. Local Store Marketing (LSM) Local media Positioning Statement: It will be to increase customer awareness in the surrounding community. Pricing strategy: All menu items are moderately priced. Sales Strategy: the sales strategy is to build and open new locations on schedule in order to increase revenue. Sales forecast: opening day for our store is scheduled on 1st January, 2011. Section X: References Book: Federick, Howard (2006). Entrepreneurship: theory, process, and practice. Australia: Michael Tully. p.p.269 276. Website: Anon. (2010). Is your Restaurant a safe Investment? Available: http://www.quoteaustininsurance.com/pages/home/restaurant.php. Last accessed 3th May 2010. Anon. (2010). Singapore Tourism Board. Available: https://app.stb.gov.sg/asp/index.asp. Last accessed 3th May 2010. Anon. (2010). My tax portal. Available: https://mytax.iras.gov.sg/ESVWeb/default.aspx. Last accessed 3th May 2010. Anon. (2010). Which is the Best Buffet in Singapore?. Available: http://www.etour-singapore.com/buffet-in-singapore.html. Last accessed 3th May 2010.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Brave New World and George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four (198

Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is more relevant today than George Orwell's 1984. Although both of the two totalitarian societies are based on plausible premises, the Utopia depicted in Brave New World still has a chance of appearing today, while the Big Brother-dominated society created by Orwell, being based to some extent on the totalitarian societies that existed at the time of the book's inception, is simply obsolete.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Brave New World remains more believable in modern times because the events that led up to the creation of Huxley's Utopia have the greater chance of occurring tomorrow. In both novels, the birth of the totalitarian society is brought on by a catastrophic war that probably involves the entire world. However, in 1984, the war is in the process of being fought, giving the reader the impression that somewhere in this world, there is still a non-totalitarian government which could defeat Orwell's nightmarish police state. In Brave New World, the war that preceded the creation of Utopia has long since passed; it often appears as though Utopia has always existed. This makes it much more believable than Big Brother, especially since it seems more likely to occur when the world is at peace. Also, the war depicted by Brave New World contains technology that seems particularly significant in modern times. In Utopia, Western Europe Controller Mustapha Mond mentions that the war preceding the inception of their society was fought using Anthrax Bombs. Because biological weapons have become more common part of military arsenals in recent years, readers of Brave New World have more reason to believe that its version of the war that starts the rise of totalitarianism could happen today. Finally, 1984 ... ... in Huxley's Brave New World, is more universal and more relevant to modern society than 1984's Big Brother. While both Utopia and Big Brother are equally plausible versions of a future society, the two were brought into existence by different preceding events. Also, Big Brother has a faint historical basis: Orwell meant for it to reflect the totalitarianism of the communist governments that existed in his era. Huxley gives no indication in Brave New World whether Utopia echoes a particular totalitarian society in real history, allowing it to remain plausible in an era when the brutal Communist regimes that existed in Orwell's time are virtually gone. Finally, Big Brother ensures its dominance by inflicting pain on dissidents while Utopia uses pleasure. Utopia, therefore, would stay in power more easily because pleasure is a more effective method of control than pain.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Women and Full-Time Employment

Phoenix Material Issue Analysis After reading the selected critical issue, use the following questions to analyze the issue. The word count for individual questions may vary but your responses should total 1,200- to 1,400-words for the entire worksheet. .1 What are some of the strengths associated with the Pro side of the Issue? What are some of the weaknesses? During the Pro side of the issue of women opting out, one of the strong points of the argument was that women were choosing to opt out of working once hey began having families.Although we live in a time where men and women both are the bread winners on the homes, the women are still the ones who feel as If they have to stop working and stay at home all of the time to take care of the children. If the husband is the one making all the money for the household, the wife will decide to â€Å"choose† to quit their jobs because they feel as if thing are being taken care of on the financial front and they are needed at home t o take care of the children. A weak point Is that If a woman wants to make the choice to continue working, they should array a man who is considerably younger or considerably older than they are.An older man is said to have been working longer and will have the financial means necessary to keep up with a household. Women who do have kids will be able to choose to quit their Job because there is no need for extra wages to be coming In. If they decide to keep working they can then choose a part time job where they can be at home with the kids during the day while the father is at work, and work during the night while the kids are at home sleeping and under the care of the father.What are some of the strengths associated with the Con side of the issue? What are some of the weaknesses? In the debate on the Con side, a strength of the argument made Is that women are not opting out, they do not have choices or options. They are torn between being a nurturing mother, or having a strong car eer. In a lot of these career paths, the debate is to whether or not they are family friendly, or very flexible. The women feel the need to be at home taking care of the child and making money to support the family.One of the weak points to this side of the argument Is that a woman may not have the desire to be with the child at the earlier stages of the child's life. For some women, that desire or the nature to be with the child comes at a later time, when they feel the child is beginning to really develop. Also, a point was made that there is a case of absent husbands, which Just means that the woman who shares the Job burden with the husband never gets to spend quality time with him.Whenever she is home with the child, he is at work and when she is going to work, then he is Just coming in from his Job. The only solution that loud possibly be made in order to spend time together is to get a schedule where the parents are both working at the same times and maybe hire a babysitter o r a nanny to lad In caring for the child while the parents are away at work. This way, both of the parents are free to work and will still have time when they come home to wind 1 OFF . 3 Based on the statements presented in this critical issue, which author do you agree with?Provide supporting evidence. I am a little on the fence as to which side to agree with because while I feel that women do choose to stop working or angered to part time working when their children are born, I still think that it is possible that a lot of women do not get to work in a career where they can have both a family and a good strong career. In a lot of today's careers, a person needs to be flexible and needs to be able to give their Job 100 percent which Just cannot be done if there is a family that needs a parent.In some situations, a man will stay home while the woman goes to work, and there is gender equality, but a lot of the time this is not to be the case. Although women had to fight to have the c hoice to work, there re a lot of men who still think the woman's â€Å"place† is at home taking care of the kids and doing the housework. Some men may tell the women that it is their choice to work, but it really is not much of a choice when there are no other options as far as taking care of the children.I agree that not a lot of Jobs offer flexible schedules for those who have families, and when a person has to adjust their schedules frequently, people may see it as giving them favors. The first argument stated that we are going back in time instead of progressing, which I do not really agree with, so I agree more tit the second statement that was presented. Today is no longer Just a â€Å"man's world†, and women are wanting to be standing as equal. .4 Explore two other roles that can be acquired during early and middle adulthood, such as through parenthood, romantic relationships, and career.How have these roles changed through the past generations? One of the roles that has changed in the past generations is the one of being a caregiver. Seeing how more women are making it in the career fields, there are some men out there who are taking care of the home while the woman goes off to work and takes care of finances. It was said to be the woman's role to stay home and take care of the home as well as the children, but times have certainly changed. In some cases, both parents are working while the children either have babysitters, or they go into a day care facility.Getting and staying married is another role that has changed through the years. In the past, even though the couple are no longer happy, they would stay married. In this case, it is no longer the same once the couple are not hashing out their differences. They are quick to leave once there is no more emotion left to try to patch things up in the relationship. 5 What psychological adjustments are made during early and middle adulthood to adapt to aging and changes in life style? How do es this affect development?For a woman, there are different psychological adjustments when it comes to adapting to age and changes in one person's lifestyle. A woman will have to go through many bodily changes that they may not be ready for, especially if someone has not explained to them what to expect and what is going to happen. Men go through their own bodily changes, but the psychology of it all for boys and girls are different. As need to do something â€Å"meaningful† or even sometimes a bit reckless. Not all people go through the same stages, and sometimes people will go through these stages at different times in their lives.When people are growing up, they have to mentally prepare themselves for what they will be going through. Instead of being afraid and running away from the change, a person needs to prepare and welcome the change because it will be the beginning of a new period in their lives as they continue to grow and develop. While there are some things that a person will go through as they are developing, there will be things that a person goes through that can occur at any period of time.

Friday, November 8, 2019

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, When We Two Parted by Lord Byron and Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day by William Shakespeare Essays

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, When We Two Parted by Lord Byron and Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day by William Shakespeare Essays My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, When We Two Parted by Lord Byron and Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day by William Shakespeare Paper My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, When We Two Parted by Lord Byron and Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day by William Shakespeare Paper Essay Topic: Literature The Heart Goes Last I am going to be discussing three poems, My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, When We Two Parted by Lord Byron and Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day by William Shakespeare. I will compare all three love poems and discuss their differences in their opinion of love. I will also be sharing their experiences that they have had in their relationships. The first poem I will be discussing is Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day by William Shakespeare. The opening line of this poem shall I compare thee to a summers day is a rhetorical question which is reflected throughout the whole of the poem. This sets the image of a beautiful day, which he compares to love. During the poem he slowly builds the perfect image of the person who he is comparing to a summers day. It is clear to say that he is for love and sees it as a marvellous thing to have. Thou art more lovely and more temperate tells us that the person you love should be more lovely and delightful than a summers day and will bring you more joy. Rough winds do shake the buds of May then tells us that even in summer you get winds and disturbance but love should be powerful enough to overcome these interruptions as he later on says But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Despite the disappointments love can bring your lover will never lose the beauty that they posses is shown in the tenth line of the sonnet. Shakespeare then goes on to say that even after death your love will never fade as he writes this poem to forever keep this person into eternal memory. The end of the sonnet tells us that as long as mankind exits he hopes that his poetry too will go on and ensure the immortality of his lover. The next poem I will be talking about is My last duchess written by Robert Browning, this poem is an example of how emotions can suddenly turn from sweet to sour. The first impression we get from the poem is the title, My last duchess. This gives us a slight glimpse of what the Duke is like, My imposes his duchess to be property belonging to him, the use of the possessive word my is mildly threatening too. It would have been more formal to had said The Last Duchess. The use of Last is also suggesting that he has the intent of wanting another wife, this is then confirmed later on in the poem. He then uses the phrase Looking as if she were alive which is repeated later on in the poem to remind us of the quality that the Duke can provide and is a reminder of his wealth and power. It would also seem that he would be gloating her, now that he is in control he allows people to see her smile but when she was alive he didnt like other people seeing her smile. That piece a wonder reinforces how he is proud of the painting and the quality that he can have. Later on in the poem he tells us how he would not stoop to tell her how he was offended by her common courtesy to those of lower ranks and he thought that she was too easily pleased over a compliment or small favour. I choose never to stoop tells us he has a lot of pride and maybe thinks that she has too little pride. The Duke took offence by this as he thought it disgraced his 900 year old name, instead of telling her how he was annoyed he ruthlessly gave commands making smiles stopped altogether. This tormented the duke as he saw his name (Ferrara) as a very special gift and thought she was abusing it. Although she should have reserved her smiles for the Duke and nobody else it was still an extreme decision and shouldnt have been taken. There she stands as if alive is then repeated just after when he gave commands which gives a sinister effect as it was he himself who gave commands. Just because she was eccentric to other people who are inferiority to her doesnt give him the right to draw the curtain for his duchess. It is arguable that the Duke was jealous, as he wouldnt gloat her when she was alive but does when she is dead. Although the poem starts with a light tone when he describes her picture, there is a later a detectable change where he starts to express his feelings. As the poem closes he mentions a wonderful casting of Neptune, as if it couldnt compliment itself he points it out. Throughout the poem the Duke expresses his loathing for his last duchess to the Count. This poem demonstrates how presumably passionate love that made him marry her turned into pain and disgust resulting in a cold end to the relationship. However the pictional reference he gives to her is a wonder and yet he unjustifiably killed her. The poem is also in rhyming couplets, which gives a proud feeling. When We Two Parted by Lord Byron is in many respects similar to my last duchess as both relationships end bitterly. The title When we two parted tells us already that once again love did not last, and the next line In silence and tears tells us it was not a joyful, but solemn. Half broken-hearted suggests there was increasing sorrow after the breaking up; it also compliments the title of the poem. Lord Byron then says Pale grew thy cheek and cold, Colder thy kiss shows us how he is in despair and shows how disgusted he is with her as the love has lost its passion. However later on the poem begins to become unravelled as And light is thy fame tells us that she had a bad reputation. As he overhears other people talking about her in a non-respective way. And share in its shame, he has become humiliated to have been with her. This lights Byrons flame as he rages on to say A knell to mine ear. He has become so shameful to have been with her that when he hears her name it is like a beating to his ear. They know not I knew thee shows he knew her sexually and very intimately. Who knew thee too well tells us that other people knew her sexually. During the end of the poem we see his sadness that if he were to see her again he would greet her with Silence and tears as it would bring back all his haunted memories. From these poems I conclude that love is a very precious thing to have, but can also turn into hate and regret as we discover in Lord Byrons poem. Its clear that Shakespeare sees love to be precious whereas this is less evident in the other two poems. This is shown as Lord Byrons poem is all about dwelling, shame and hurt which makes him feel so disgusted with his lover that he cant bare to hear her name again. We see an unhappy relationship, which turns into obsession and turns in contrast to absolute hate. My Last Duchess also tells a bad experience with love which ends in the most extreme action. Shakespeare says that it is not love if it changes, but I disagree because there are all sots of possibilities. For example your lover could cheat on you. Shakespeares poem shows how love should be judged and how good it is when you have it. All in all I would say that love is a very delicate thing, which is precious whilst you have it and to be cautious not to damage the relationship, it is also short and can be unpredictable so make the most of it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Delphi String Handling Routines

Delphi String Handling Routines The CompareText  function compares two strings without case sensitivity. Declaration:function  CompareText(const  S1, S2:  string):  integer; Description:Compares two strings without case sensitivity. The comparison is NOT case sensitive and does not consider the Windows locale settings. The return integer value is less than 0 if S1 is less than S2, 0 if S1 equals S2, or greater than 0 if S1 is greater than S2. This function is obsolete, i.e. it should not be used in new code - exists only for backward compatibility. Example: var s1,s2 : string; i : integer; s1:Delphi; s2:Programming; i: CompareText(s1,s2); //i Copy Function Returns a substring of a string or a segment of a dynamic array. Declaration:function  Copy(S; Index, Count: Integer):  string;function  Copy(S; Index, Count: Integer):  array; Description:Returns a substring of a string or a segment of a dynamic array.S is an expression of a string or dynamic-array type. Index and Count are integer-type expressions. Copy returns a string containing a specified number of characters from a string or sub array containing Count elements starting at S[Index]. If Index is greater than the length of S, Copy returns a zero-length string () or an empty array.  If Count specifies more characters or array elements than are available, only the characters or elements from S[Index] to the end of S are returned. To determine the number of characters in string, use the Length function. A convenient way to copy all the elements of S from the starting Index is to use  MaxInt  as Count. Example: var s : string; s:DELPHI; s : Copy(s,2,3); //sELP; Delete Procedure Removes a substring from a string. Declaration:procedure  Delete(var  S:  string; Index, Count : Integer) Description:Removes Count characters from a string S, starting at Index.  Delphi leaves the string unchanged if Index is not positive or greater than the number of characters after the Index. If Count is greater than the rest of the characters after the Index, the rest of the string is deleted. Example: var s : string; s:DELPHI; Delete(s,3,1) //sDEPHI; ExtractStrings Function Fills a string list with substrings parsed from a delimited list. Declaration:type  TSysCharSet   set of  Char;function  ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar; Strings: TStrings): Integer; Description:Fills a string list with substrings parsed from a delimited list. Separators are a set of characters that are used as delimiters, separating the substrings, where Carriage returns, newline characters, and quote characters (single or double) are always treated as separators. WhiteSpace is a set of characters to be ignored when parsing Content if they occur at the beginning of a string. Content is the null-terminated string to parse into substrings. Strings is a string list to which all substrings parsed from Content are added. The function returns the number of strings added to the Strings parameter. Example: //example 1 - requires TMemo named Memo1 ExtractStrings([;,,], [ ], about: delphi; pascal, programming , memo1.Lines); //would result in 3 strings added to memo: //about: delphi //pascal //programming //example 2 ExtractStrings([DateSeparator], [ ], PChar(DateToStr(Now)), memo1.Lines); //would result in 3 strings: day month and year of the currnet date //for example 06, 25 ,2003 LeftStr Function Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. Declaration:function  LeftStr(const  AString: AnsiString;  const  Count: Integer): AnsiString;overload;  function  LeftStr(const  AString: WideString;  const  Count: Integer): WideString;  overload; Description:Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. AString represents a string expression from which the leftmost characters are returned. Count indicates how many characters to return. If 0, a zero-length string () is returned. If greater than or equal to the number of characters in AString, the entire string is returned. Example: var s : string; s : ABOUT DELPHI PROGRAMMING; s : LeftStr(s,5); // s ABOUT Length Function Returns an integer containing the number of characters in a string or the number of elements in an array. Description:function  Length(const S:  string): integerfunction  Length(const S:  array): integer Declaration:Returns an integer containing the number of characters in a string or the number of elements in an array.  For an array, Length(S) always returns Ord(High(S))-Ord(Low(S))1 Example: var s : string; i : integer; s:DELPHI; i : Length(s); //i6; LowerCase Function Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase. Description:function  LowerCase(const  S:  string):  string; Declaration:Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.LowerCase only converts uppercase letters to lowercase; all lowercase letters and nonletter characters remain unchanged. Example: var s : string; s:DeLpHi; s : LowerCase(s); //sdelphi; Pos Function Returns an integer specifying the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. Declaration:function  Pos(Str, Source:  string):  integer; Description:Returns an integer specifying the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. Pos looks for the first complete occurrence of Str in Source. If it finds one, it returns the character position in Source of the first character in Str as an integer value, otherwise, it returns 0.Pos is case sensitive. Example: var s : string; i : integer; s:DELPHI PROGRAMMING; i:Pos(HI PR,s); //i5; PosEx Function Returns an integer specifying the position of the first occurrence of one string within another, where the search starts at a specified position. Declaration:function  PosEx(Str, Source :  string, StartFrom : cardinal 1):  integer; Description:Returns an integer specifying the position of the first occurrence of one string within another, where the search starts at a specified position. PosEx looks for the first complete occurrence of Str in Source, beginning the search at StartFrom. If it finds one, it returns the character position in Source of the first character in Str as an integer value, otherwise, it returns 0. PosEx also returns 0 if StartFrom is greater then Length(Source) or if StartPos is 0 Example: var s : string; i : integer; s:DELPHI PROGRAMMING; i:PosEx(HI PR, s, 4); //i1; QuotedStr Function Returns the quoted version of a string. Declaration:function  QuotedStr(const  S:  string):  string; Description:Returns the quoted version of a string. A single quote character () is inserted at the beginning and end of string S, and each single quote character in the string is repeated. Example: var s : string; s:Delphis Pascal; //ShowMessage returns Delphis Pascal s : QuotedStr(s); //ShowMessage returns Delphis Pascal ReverseString Function Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed. Declaration:function  ReverseString(const  AString :  string):  string; Description:  Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed Example: var s : string; s:ABOUT DELPHI PROGRAMMING; s:ReverseString(s); //sGNIMMARGORP IHPLED TUOBA RightStr Function Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. Declaration:function  RightStr(const  AString: AnsiString;  const  Count: Integer): AnsiString;overload;function  RightStr(const  AString: WideString;  const  Count: Integer): WideString;overload; Description:Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. AString represents a string expression from which the rightmost characters are returned. Count indicates how many characters to return. If greater than or equal to the number of characters in AString, the entire string is returned. Example: var s : string; s : ABOUT DELPHI PROGRAMMING; s : RightStr(s,5); // s MMING StringReplace Function Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring. Declaration:type  TReplaceFlags   set of  (rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase); function  StringReplace(const  S, OldStr, NewStr:  string; Flags: TReplaceFlags):  string; Description:Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring. If the Flags parameter does not include rfReplaceAll, only the first occurrence of OldStr in S is replaced. Otherwise, all instances of OldStr are replaced by NewStr.  If the Flags parameter includes rfIgnoreCase, the comparison operation is case insensitive. Example: var s : string; s:VB programmers love About VB Programming site; s : ReplaceStr(s,VB,Delphi, [rfReplaceAll]); //sDelphi programmers love About Delphi Programming site; Trim Function Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string without both leading and trailing spaces and control characters. Declaration:  function  Trim(const  S:  string):  string; Description:  Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string without both leading and trailing spaces and non-printing control characters. Example: var s : string; s: Delphi ; s : Trim(s); //sDelphi; UpperCase Function Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase. Declaration:  function  UpperCase(const  S:  string):  string; Description:  Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.UpperCase only converts lowercase letters to uppercase; all uppercase letters and nonletter characters remain unchanged. Example: var s : string; s:DeLpHi; s : UpperCase(s); //sDELPHI; Val Procedure Converts a string to a numeric value. Declaration:  procedure  Val(const  S:  string;  var  Result;  var  Code: integer); Description:Converts a string to a numeric value. S is a string-type expression; it must be a sequence of characters that form a signed real number. The Result argument can be an Integer or floating-point variable. Code is zero if the conversion is successful. If the string is invalid, the index of the offending character is stored in Code. Val does not heed the local settings for the decimal separator. Example: var s : string; c,i : integer; s:1234; Val(s,i,c); //i1234; //c0