Sunday, December 22, 2019

The United States And The Western Coalition - 1469 Words

The United States and the Western Coalition has long looked at the Middle East as an asset with little risk high reward potential. They have all looked at them as high reward low risk a region that in contrast, has an abundance of natural resources in particular oil with very underwhelming population. Even if they had a product that could reach out and touch the masses the internal struggles and lack of cohesion and structure to get out of the region. Both the United States and Western coalition watched the struggles intervened when necessary and when a reward could reaped even if it was a better deal on the oil prices to actual occupation of land. The intervention, however did began to elevate and inflate the†¦show more content†¦Pure fiction, but the was that the Soviet troops invaded Kabul on December 25th, 1979, on order from Moscow to replace the radical Hafizullah Amin with the Soviet-endorsed Babrak Karmal as head of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Which Hol lywood spun as a Cold War tactic to or chess move to get an upper hand on the United States. When in reality the Soviet decision to invade Afghanistan was foremost driven by the security concerns a rapidly weakening Afghanistan, vulnerable to Islamic extremism and Western encroachment, posed to the Soviet Union’s southern borders. The Second evolution consideration was due to what was the longest war of the twentieth century, and length was the consideration that came from it. The Iran–Iraq War began when Iraq invaded Iran via air and land on 22 September 1980. It followed a long history of border disputes, and was motivated by fears that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 would inspire insurgency among Iraq s long-suppressed Shia majority, as well as Iraq s desire to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state. Although Iraq hoped to take advantage of Iran s revolutionary chaos and attacked without formal warning, it made only limited progress into Iran. Length came into consideration due to the 1987 modification of the Soviet Scud B missile prolonging its range, increasing the concern for neighboring countries.

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