Monday, October 7, 2019

An evaluation of the training programme and how it effects performance Literature review

An evaluation of the training programme and how it effects performance at debenhams -westfield - Literature review Example The study relates the concept of performance management and training implementation to Debenhams, in regards to the manner in which it applies the training methods and how it affects the company's competency and performance rate. Performance is defined as being able to finish a task that is measured against certain standards such as completeness, accuracy, speed and cost. In a contractual agreement, performance can be regarded as a completion or fulfillment of an obligation, which unbinds the person from the liabilities within the signed agreement (Torrington, Hall & Taylor, 2008). Most define performance as the act of accomplishing a task and producing an outcome in line with the objective. Others believe that as long as a result is presented, it is an acceptable performance as it is; and if the objectives are not met, the rate of performance is not at par as projected. Performance cannot be evaluated through the outcome alone, as results are triggered by actions that cause it. Asid e from the efforts made to produce a result, other aspects that can affect the outcome can be both external and internal factors (Institutional Management in Higher Education, 2009). Assessing performance by means of the results alone is not appropriate. There are several objectives imposed by the management that can be utilized as constructive means to evaluate the result, but appraising a performance solely on results reflects a company’s poor policy. Other variables that either have an indirect or direct effect towards the result must also be accounted for; as such influences can have severe impacts on the outcome (Torrington, et al, 2008). Performance Management Performance management includes two different kinds of management. One aspect of evaluating performance is through the expert opinion of an analyst, who would be responsible in monitoring the performance of the company as a whole. The other method in which career efficiency can be assessed is through the constant appraisal the managers of its employees in meeting the company’s objectives. This includes assisting employees in reaching goals and expectations, thus ensuring that the company would perform better as a whole (Porter, Bingham & Simmonds, 2008). The organization of the employees’ performance varies per individual. In general, it comprises planning and establishing objectives, and presenting feedbacks and reviews. Proper management also includes commendations through rewards for high performers, and opportunities for one to become skilled at one’s chosen discipline. Management of employee performance is more ideal if the goals are reliable and consistent (Bloisi, 2007). This implies that the management must present a clear way in disseminating information regarding the expected quality of work at present and in the future. Planning the objectives also constitutes classifying the employer’s prospect of his personnel, so as not to seem broadsided during the course of assessing criteria in performance development (Porter, et al, 2008). Planning and setting objectives and goals in a company is one of the critical components of performance management, as it offers an a fair and proper evaluations system in which employees can undergo proper training, workshops and seminars necessitate to increase one’s aptitude and proficiency (Porter, et al, 2008). An ideal performance manag

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