Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Criminal Law Examples of Victimless Crimes - 1264 Words

1) Victimless crime can be defined as those types of actions and behavior that are illegal, although they do not affect the safety and personal rights of others. Individuals or groups of persons can commit victimless crimes. In cases that involve more than one person, only those capable of consenting to the actions are guilty of this type of crime (Liberal Democratic Party, 2009). Although there are not victims in this type of crime, there is nevertheless a threat to the public interest in some cases of these crimes. There is therefore a formal legal framework to prevent or prohibit such crimes. In some victimless crimes, motive plays an important part in determining the type of crime and degree of guilt. Assisted suicide, for example, could be a victimless crime if the motive was to end suffering. In such a case, the murder is committed to end suffering for which there is no future end except in death. The person who is murdered has given his or her consent and the motive can be sai d to be altruistic. In a case where the murderer was motivated by a potential inheritance, the crime does have a victim and is seen in a more serious light. Two examples of victimless crimes include riding a motorcycle or bicycle without a helmet or driving a vehicle without a seatbelt. These crimes do not violate the specific rights of other individual road users. However, it is against the public interest, since an accident could lead to more severe injuries than would otherwise haveShow MoreRelatedA Crime Is a Violation of Established Law, but Not All Crimes Have a Readily Identifiable Victim. a Victimless Crime Is One Where an Act That Violates an Established Law Is Committed, Without Leaving a Victim Behind;1937 Words   |  8 PagesA crime is a violation of established law, but not all crimes have a readily identifiable victim. 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