Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Similarities And Differences Between Greece And Rome

I feel There are a variety of vocal points when bringing up similarities and differences between Greece and Rome. The two vocal points I feel strongly about are both their military and leadership. When talking about their militaries we have two of the strongest forces to ever grace the earth. When talking about their respective cultures we are talking about beliefs that spread nationwide. These are the similarities and differences between Greece and Rome. If there was anything that Rome and Greece where known for it was there brute military and ruthless violence that brought both empires to the top. Although many people dont see it Rome and Greece did have many similarities in their militaries. One thing that both†¦show more content†¦An example of a Naval weapon they had in common were marines. Marines specialized in the Naval field and their sole objective was to raid the enemies ship while keeping their unharmed at the same time. This was something that both empires became masters at because their ships were almost never attacked and they always found a way to raid the enemies ship. These are some similarities between Rome and Greece’s military. When talking about the culture in ancient Greece and Rome we are talking about two cultures that have had a major impact on today’s society. We are also talking about two cultures that have highly similar ways of life and or beliefs. One thing that both cultures had in common was that they believed in all the same gods. Although they did have different names for some gods, they all believed in what each god stood for and the myths that they had. For example, the Greek’s called one god Zeus while the Romans called him Jupiter. Another similarity between Greece and Rome was that they both practiced agriculture. Not only did both nations both practice agriculture but they even grew some of the same crops. A few example of crops that both the Romans and Greeks grew are barley, grapes, olives, wheat and so much more. Agriculture in Rome and Greece was essential to anybody was able to grow them. ForShow MoreRelatedDifferences And Similarities Between Ancient Gree ce And Rome864 Words   |  4 PagesThere are lots of similarities and also differences between Ancient Greeks and Romans, some of the similarities are their government and their arts and literature. Their first similarity is in their government. In Greece, Pericles was an important figure in Athenian politics between 461 B.C. And 429 B.C., during this time Athens expanded its empire abroad while democracy grew at home. The period of classical Athenian and Greek history was called the Age of Pericles. 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