Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects Personality Host Country Nationals -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Effects Personality Host Country Nationals? Answer: Introduction The business and its organization varies from country to country. This report analyses the different issues and the facilities that an Australian expatriate has while working in Vietnam. An expatriate is person who seeks to live and work in a country and a culture different than his own (Wang Fang, 2014). This report analyses the learners experience of Vietnam while working for and setting up a hotel in Vietnam based on a learners visit. How attractive is Vietnam as a destination for foreign professionals from the learners industry (hospitality): The industry in Vietnam is one of the booming sectors aiding the development of the country and the improving infrastructure is the hospitality industry. It is an interesting place for young professionals looking to set up their own business along with their new ideas. The constantly developing country like Vietnam always has opportunities for newcomer and for the people who want to start a business management at a relatively low investment. The growth and development of the business in the country looks promising due to the current tourism boom leading to a better economy (Malesky London, 2014). It is extremely promising to do business in a country like Vietnam. An overview of the economic, political and legal environments in Vietnam: The economy of Vietnam is one of the growing economies and the GDP of the country has shown a good growth rate. To establish a business in Vietnam one needs to know and analyze the different factors which will be affected by the business and will affect the process of setting up the business in this country. to understand this one needs to understand the sociopolitical and economic factors which help in the growth and development of the country. The economy of Vietnam according to the latest data available has been constantly improving it has shown a general trend of development. The political scenario of Vietnam has always been filled with turmoil considering the long war the country had to go through. The incumbent Communist Party of Vietnam which has a strict control over the planning and policy making in Vietnam (Houghton, 2014). The legal scenario of the country is still in the developmental phase and the government is trying to make it more visitor friendly. The legal situation of Vietnam is being changed from bringing in more investments in the country and accentuates the growth and development of the country. The progressive government and a good business environment will surely help in a new venture. Implications of the factors identified Hospitality Industry: The factors that will affect the development in the sector of hospitality industry are the knowledge of the different types of business styles to use here for the successful operations of the hotel. There are a number of factors that will affect the growth and the development of the different parts on the industry. The knowledge gained from Australia which itself is one of the largest tourist destinations and had a number of expatriate workers will help in the proper improvement and the success of the industry. The expatriate workers from the different countries can be used in HCMC along with the local workers for the proper functioning of the hotel and its success (Lim, Busenitz Chidambaram, 2013). The expatriate workers have their own experiences and the multicultural society will help in providing facilities to a larger pool of customers in the country. one of the major issue that can be faced by the foreign workers and can be considered a weakness is the lack of the knowledge of the local language. This can be easily overcome by employing a multilingual employee to care of operations. There will be a major change in my lifestyle as it will be more fitted to the local society. Challenges or Opportunities to expect while working in Vietnam The challenges and opportunities to be faced by an individual while living in Vietnam are numerous. Being an expatriate from a foreign country has its own drawbacks considering the history that Vietnam has. One of the major challenges to face while working in Vietnam is the amount of the local support (Zhou Lee, 2017). To establish any business in a country the local support is extremely necessary but it is not granted how much support one gets in the foreign soil. Being a foreigner also gives an upper hand in hospitality industry as most of the people coming to Vietnam for a visit will be happy to take help from a person a person who speaks English. Employment opportunities for foreigners like the learner: The foreigners coming to Vietnam can learn a lot by working in this country. The majority of the population is youth and has moved over the stigma of the war and is welcoming of the foreign investors in the country. The development of the country and the hospitality business will thrive greatly given the current scenario of the country. The overall growth and development of the different sectors of the organization helps in understanding the market and planning the strategies accordingly for the growth and development in the operations. when in an oriental and developing country like Vietnam the expatriate from a developed country can understand the market and the marketing needs in the developing countries along with the business development opportunities in those countries. The marketing strategies thus put into practice will help in the understanding the consumer base of the expatriate population in the developed countries as well as most of them come from the developing countries . The oriental countries also have a different organizational culture which can help in understanding the different methodologies for the best output from the workers from the different countries. Analyzing the attractiveness of the cultural and the economic environment for foreign workers: The cultural and the economic environment of Vietnam are very appealing for most of the workers that come here to work from the different countries. The oriental culture of Vietnam is also a seat of the cultures of a number of other societies, even the Americans who chose to stay in the country after the war. When an expatriate comes to Vietnam, the myths of the country shown in the different movies are debunked as the country is cultural mix of many cultures as seen from the different architecture development and the other parts evident in the country. one of point that attracts the foreign expats is the open door policy that the country has regarding business and employment opportunities. Though not the best, the economy of the country is constantly developing and the people looking for better employment opportunities and a better cultural mix have a chance of learning much about the culture of the country along with the business and employment here (Xu Meyer, 2013). The country i s already a cultural mix of a number of cultures and people coming from the different ethnicities from all over the world and is therefore, very welcoming of any new cultural changes. The ethics and the morality are very deep rooted in the Vietnamese society like all the oriental countries. Similarities and the differences in between Australia and Vietnam Australia and Vietnam are two countries which are situated in very different geographic locations but seem to have a large number of similarities rather than differences: Similarities The similarities that the countries have exist in the form of multiculturalism, lifestyle and society. The two countries have a multicultural society, in which people from the different countries live together in cohesion for a proper development of the society. The people of the two countries have a similar lifestyle which makes them amicable happy hardworking people who have their own ways of recreation. The societies of both Australia and Vietnam have two sides to them one being the urban and the developed society and the other being the tribal cultures. Both these countries work well to have a cohesive bond among the two societies (Crawford, 2012). Differences The two countries are situated far apart and have a different history and the way of development that the society has undergone through time. One of the differences is the Business Approach of the two countries. The market in Vietnam is not as competitive as in Australia and the relative price of the items in the country is relatively low, this being a developing economy. The Economic Conditions of the people living in the country are grossly different. Most of the people living in Vietnam are relatively poor compared to their peers in Australia as the country is developing and has a relatively low economy (Crawford, 2012). Finding the compatibility between the working conditions in Vietnam and Personal preferences The country is mix of multiple societies and ethnicities and has a rich cultural heritage and background. Working as an expat in Vietnam, I seek to learn a lot of things from various cultures which I do not expect to explore in Australia. The country has been through a long war and still has developed a great deal since the war was over and has mix of the different societies. I am a relatively laidback person who seeks to explore newer dimensions and opportunities, for which having a hotel in Vietnam would be an ideal thing to do as it will help me interacting with the locals and the different people who come here as tourists. Moreover, it will also help me understand the oriental concepts of learning, which I have wanted to learn. The oriental business culture is another thing which intrigues me which very different from the western knowledge of the business. The oriental cultures treat the clients as the most important factor and the satisfaction of each client is their prime busin ess concern (Lai Vinh, 2012). I also seek to learn from them the different part of their culture which will help me improve my business acumen and have a wider approach in the society. The risks of living in Vietnam as a learner: There are a number of advantages of living in a multicultural country like Vietnam but it does not come without a number of risks that the individual has to face if they live in Vietnam. the political scenario is developing for business but there is a lack of political stability in the country, which often leads to cultural clashes. Being and expat is one of the most disadvantageous position to be in the case of a cultural clash. Moreover, the economy of the country is improving recently but the country does not have a proper economic stability, so any investment in the country may prove to be a loss. The racisms and any kind of discrimination may not be faced by the tourist in the Vietnamese society or the people residing in the HCMC but in the other parts of the risk is real and one does not know how it may affect the business (Coren Gray, 2012). Moreover, if there is cultural clash among the local people working for the business it may cause immense loss to the owner. Similarly, the job opportunities may also be preferential and the local may feel adverse to expectation to have a foreigner control them. Effect of similarities and differences discussed on the learners life as an expatriate in Vietnam: The similarities and the differences have their own effects on the expats as an individual in the society. One of the major issues in the adaptability, most of the cultures have their own cultural taboos and the expats may not know them which may affect their reputation in the society. the similarities have their own role to play at it make the expat more comfortable in the society and it makes it easy for them to interact and learn in the new society. The expats have a problem in different cultures as they sometimes feel out of place and they do not relate to the norms of the society. one of the major issues that the people face is the different cultures have different celebrations and festivals and the people of one culture may not be able to work in another. Conclusion Therefore, in this essay it is seen that the country of Vietnam is one of the developing economies and has a great scope for business investments. The different factors affecting the learners experience in Vietnam affects the decision of the individual of investing in the country in the hospitality sectors. 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