Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on Psychology of Love - 1924 Words

The human idea of love is quite possibly the most misunderstood in today’s society. Love can be between a man and woman, mother/father and their kids, or even really good friends. However, these relationships of love go through many interactions and stages to start and progress. Many psychological events must occur and be worked through in order to be successful. All relationships must endure the five perspectives of human behavior. These perspectives are biological, learning, social and cultural, cognitive, and psychodynamic influences. First we will look into the biological aspect of human behavior. Biological pertains to one’s body chemistry and from a psychological standpoint the chemistry of the brain. No two people have exactly the†¦show more content†¦Due to our behavioral aspect these new situations may be hard for us to handle. One person might be set in their ways and have a hard time coping with change. This leads to moments of stress, possible anger, as well as other emotions of the body. These negative experiences can lead to a change in genetics in the body. In order to help the relationship stay strong and survive these changes both partners must examine themselves and understand what forces of nature are in their control and how they can effectively combat the situation. When these problems arise it is the responsibility of the unaffected partner to be there with kindness, love, and support for the other person. When these positive reinforces are present the environment around them cha nges and can lead to a more interactive and happy partner. Although important to a relationship I believe that the biological perspective is one of the lesser forces that impact the relationship. The second major psychological perspective is that of learning. The perspective of learning is â€Å"concerned with how the environment and experience affect a person’s actions† (Wade and Tavris, 2011). 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